
作者: meilin
位于: 职业教育


  • 关系代词是who,which,what,that(=who或which),as,以及复合关系词whoever,whichever,whatever等。
  • 主要的关系副词是where,whence,whither,wherever,when,whenever,while,before,after,till,until,since,as,how和why等。
  • 疑问代词是who,which和what等。
  • 疑问副词是where,when,whence,whither,how和why等。

最重要的从句连词是because,since(=because),though,although,if,unless,that(in order that,so that),lest,as,as if,as though,than和whether等。




  • {Able men | Men of ability | Men who show ability} can always find employment.
  • {Treeless spots | Spots without trees | Spots where no trees grew} were plainly visible.




  • Jack spoke {thoughtlessly. | without thinking. | before he thought.}
  • The schoolhouse stands {there. | at the crossroads. | where the roads meet.}
  • We pay our rent {monthly. | on the first of every month. | when the first of the month comes.}



  • Angry because he had failed, he abandoned the undertaking. [从句修饰angry.]
  • I am uncertain which road I should take. [从句修饰uncertain.]
  • Farther than eye could see extended the waste of tossing waters. [从句修饰farther.]
  • Here, where the cliff was steepest, a low wall protected the path. [从句修饰here.]


  • He rejoiced that the victory was won.
  • I am glad that you are coming.
  • He was positive that no harm had been done.
  • They were unwilling that the case should be brought to trial.

应注意,这种用法等同于“because”或“as to the fact that。”这种从句可以被解释为状宾结构的名词从句。应根据意思(place,time,cause,concession)分类副词从句。



  • {Agreement | To agree | That we should agree} seemed impossible.
  • {Victory | To win | That we should win} was out of the question.
  • The merchant feared {loss. | to lose. | that he might lose money.}
  • I expect {success. | to succeed. | that I shall succeed.}



  • That Milton was spared has often caused surprise. [主语]
  • Brutus said that Tom was a tyrant. [said的宾语]
  • Tom commanded that the prisoners should be spared. [宾语]
  • I wish that you would work harder. [宾语]
  • The traveller inquired where he could find the inn. [宾语]
  • He asked me what my name was. [asked的第二个宾语]
  • My fear that the bridge might fall proved groundless. [fear的同位语]
  • One fact is undoubted,—that the state of America has been kept in continual agitation.—Burke. [fact的同位语]
  • The old saying is that misery loves company. [谓语名词]

名词性从句经常被当做“of commmanding”,“of telling“,“of asking”,以及thinking,doubting和desiring等动词的宾语使用,在感叹词it是语法上的主语时,带that的名词性从句经常出现在谓语中。

  • It was plain that war was at hand.
  • It was clear that this administration would last but a very short time.
  • It must be admitted that there were many extenuating circumstances.
  • It was by slow degrees that Fox became a brilliant and powerful debater.
  • It was under the command of a foreign general that the British had triumphed at Minden.

